#include "stdafx.h"
void in_rang_filter();
void Allocate_imgs();
IplImage *img = NULL,*test,*imgHsv,*imgResult;
int mR_val=19,mG_val=13,mB_val=18,MAR_val=154,MAG_val=256,MAB_val=79;//default green .ctrl BLUE to find color
void set_RGB(int pos)
int main(int argc, char** argv)
CvSeq* find_contour = NULL;
bool isStop = false;
img = cvLoadImage("test.jpg");
if(img == NULL)
printf("capture device not found!!");
return -1;
// creat windows
cvNamedWindow("Capture", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
cvNamedWindow("Result", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
//To in_rang_filter() MIN , MAX RGB value set
cvCreateTrackbar( "minR","Result",&mR_val, 256,set_RGB);
cvCreateTrackbar( "minG","Result",&mG_val, 256,set_RGB);
cvCreateTrackbar( "minB","Result",&mB_val, 256,set_RGB);
cvCreateTrackbar( "maxR","Result",&MAR_val, 256,set_RGB);
cvCreateTrackbar( "maxG","Result",&MAG_val, 256,set_RGB);
cvCreateTrackbar( "maxB","Result",&MAB_val, 256,set_RGB);
cvCvtColor( img, imgHsv, CV_BGR2HSV);//convert the color space
cvShowImage("Capture", img);
cvShowImage("Result", test);
void in_rang_filter()
IplImage* test=cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(img), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
CvScalar min_color = CV_RGB(mR_val,mG_val,mB_val);
CvScalar max_color = CV_RGB(MAR_val,MAG_val,MAB_val);
cvInRangeS(imgHsv, min_color,max_color, imgResult);//search for the color in image
cvCvtColor( imgResult, test,CV_GRAY2RGB);
cvShowImage("Result", test);
void Allocate_imgs()
const int w = img->width;
const int h = img->height;
imgResult = cvCreateImage(cvSize(w, h), IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
imgHsv=cvCreateImage(cvSize(w, h), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
code can be downloaded here (.rar).
Hi it's impossible to access to dl your file, how can I dl it?
your download link appears to be broken
ReplyDeleteCan you explain why it only work with the blue control? The other min and max doesn't seem to do anything...
ReplyDeleteI figure it out. For anyone who try this code, it's a little bit misleading as you convert the image to HSV encoding but you still use RGB notation for your variable. So to better understand all of this, just replace the trackbar names with HSV min and HSV max. Also, if you want something simpler, just use the Hue channel with only 2 trackbar. Like this:
ReplyDeleteCode in C#:
IplImage imageTemporaire = cvlib.cvCreateImage(cvlib.cvGetSize(_image.IplImage), 8, 3);
cvlib.cvCvtColor(_image.IplImage, imageTemporaire, cvlib.CV_BGR2HSV);
IplImage imageH = cvlib.cvCreateImage(cvlib.cvGetSize(imageTemporaire), 8, 1);
cvlib.cvSplit(imageTemporaire, imageH, null, null, null);
IplImage imageVerte = cvlib.cvCreateImage(cvlib.cvGetSize(_image.IplImage), 8, 1);
//On sort ce qui est dans le range
CvScalar min_color = cvlib.CV_RGB(0, 0, Hmin);
CvScalar max_color = cvlib.CV_RGB(0, 0, Hmax);
cvlib.cvInRangeS(imageH, min_color, max_color, imageVerte);
cvlib.cvShowImage("Vert", imageVerte);